Youth (MK)
Course Content
Модул 1: Од сиво до зелено
Цели од учењето
Целина 1: Почеток на среќен живот во градината
00:00 -
Целина 2: Може каде било
00:00 -
Целина 2: Градинарењето е уметност
00:00 -
Модул 2: Основи на екологијата и почвите – климатски промени
Модул3: Урбано градинарство I Поставување
Модул 4: Урбано градинарство | Одржување
Student Ratings & Reviews
I love plants and have quite a few of them at home. My building complex will have a roof top urban garden soon. Plenty of tips to share with the neighbours on how to improve it! Great course!
I really like this platform! I have been always curious about urban gardening and how it can improve the quality of life in a capital city like Skopje, challenging the concrete jungle and combating severe air pollution.
Excellent course. I recommend it to every urban-gardening enthusiast and professional.
This course was a good match for me, I learned about the importance of greenery, especially in the urban areas, and how to create and maintain it in my own community. Thank you for your effort and a great illustrative outline of the training material.